Friday 9 March 2012

Veteran love poet Dudley Cardigan was awarded a brace of prestigious
Golden Candlesticks - presented by a couple of our favourite
'Poetry in Motion Girls' - at the Poetry Society last night, 
in recognition of his contribution to Erotic Verse. Dudley could not
 attend the ceremony and has rarely been seen in public since the 
unfortunate accident during one of his readings of 'The Fiddlers Elbow' 
when a woman in the audience threw her knickers at the stage, 
catching the elderly poet a glancing blow to the head and knocking
him into the orchestra pit (see post for Tuesday 18th October)


  1. I'm curious to know the titles of some of Dudley's books.

    I wouldn't be surprised to hear the death of the poet was caused by a fire started when he knocked over these badly designed candlesticks.

  2. Dudley Cardigan made his reputation with the collection 'I'm In The Nude for Love' (1959) featuring his epic poem 'Your Thighs (are the thighs of a woman in love)'

  3. I remember the first two lines of Dudley's famous poem, but not what comes next. Does the Author know?

    Sexual intercourse began
    In nineteen fifty-eight...

  4. There are several versions of the famous poem. This, I think, might be the original:

    Sexual intercourse began
    In nineteen fifty-eight
    Between a young Lord Wilfred
    And the housemaid Kate . . .

    Dudley Cardigan always claimed that his earliest erotic encounters took place in the nursery where he was left in the hands of a huge German nanny called Rommel. But this might be a mere flight of fancy

  5. Ah, yes, that's it. And what a jolly good poem it is too.
